There’s no time to stand still when it comes to social media. Which is why we’ve made it easy to keep up with the latest changes, updates and best-practice approaches to using social media for your business. We have free resources below, or for those who need a little extra guidance, our Full Service package could be right for you.

Social Thought Leadership

Mary Cullingford, Managing Director of The Social Shop, goes deep into some of the big topics impacting social media marketing and brand positioning for businesses of all sizes. Discover insider-insights from an experienced social marketer who is committed to helping other businesses leverage #socialforgood.

  • Topical discussion on today’s important conversations surrounding social media.

  • Research-driven analysis and opinion.

  • Advice to help social marketers grow their influence within organisation.

MORE social insights on our blog:

There is so much info out there it can be hard to know where to start. Ditch the overwhelm and let us break down what it is you really need to know when it comes to social media. From understanding algorithms and employee advocacy to tips on great creative and stand-out copy, our monthly blog covers every facet of what it takes to be successful on social. 

Research-driven insights and best-practice tips. 

Straight-talking advice for creating good content - strategically.

Need-to-know basics and relevant industry updates.

The 2023 social media forecast for brands

We say it every year: brands can’t afford to ignore the importance of social media any longer. Those who already have it, are getting ahead. Fast. We all live online, as well as IRL, these days.Read more

Strategy Success Factors

Distractions are all over social, and a scatter-gun approach to strategy will see you chasing your tail to find results - so we’re here to keep you focussed.  We’ve compiled a list of seven keyRead more

Conscious content consumption & curating your news-feed: A positive mental health move.

Hands up who is feeling like they could do with a little break from the world right now? There’s some wacky stuff going on out there, and our social feeds have become a daily doom-scroll of tough,Read more

What to look for when hiring a social media agency

So, you’re keen to outsource your social media - but putting your brand in the hands of someone else is a decision that you want to get right. Because while there are plenty of social media andRead more

Convincing your boss to take social media seriously

Trying to get your boss to take social media seriously? The struggle is REAL. And by seriously, we’re not just talking a show of support towards a social presence, but actually having a trueRead more

The State of Social 2021: The latest social insight from Sprout Social Index

It’s that time of year again! The annual Sprout Social Index hit our inboxes and for us social media marketers, it’s kinda like Christmas. We love digging into the data to understand more aboutRead more

So you want to be a social media manager? Here's what you need to know

If you ask us, working in social media is fun! It’s a chance to be creative, while helping brands strategically sell, grow and create impact. Plus, the demand for good social media managementRead more

Our values: Helping brands like yours use social the right way

When it comes to establishing a brand, marketers and strategists will tell you that getting clear on your values is one of the first things you need as a foundation for your business.  They’reRead more

Do you know about social media’s SEO superpowers?

Getting your brand found online is probably a top priority for you as a business owner. To do that, it’s likely you know that search engine optimisation (SEO) is important for ensuring that yourRead more

The State of Social 2020: Need-to-know stats from Sprout Social’s latest social index

For most industries, social media is now a super-saturated space, so having the right knowledge up your sleeve can help you make sure you’re getting in front of the right people at the right time.Read more

Social for all: accessibility and inclusivity on social media

This year has certainly served up its share of disruption - but the silver lining is that it’s brought with it great opportunities for learning. Global events have pushed us towards becoming moreRead more

Using your brand voice for good on social media

Wow, it’s been a big few months for social media. As brands, 2020 has challenged us in unexpected ways around how we’re showing up online. Global events have connected us on an epic scale andRead more